Tuesday, April 27, 2010

For women and men with good mood (sorry the mistakes..)

PEDAGOGICAL OBJECTIVE: Allowing the men to develop that part of the brain whose existence ignores.
PROGRAM: 4 modules, of which 1 is obligatory.

Module 1 (Obligatory Course)
*Learning to live without his mother (200 hours).
* “My wife is not my mother” (35 hours).
* Understanding that football is not another thing that a sport, that to be outside the World-wide one is not the death (500 hours).

Module 2: “Life in couple”
* Having children without becoming jealous (50 hours).
* surpassing the property syndrome on the remote control (55 hours).
* Not to piss outside the toilet (100 hours): Practical exercises in video.
* understanding that the shoes do not go single until the closet (80 hours).
* How to arrive until the laundry basket without losing himelf (50 hours).
* How to survive to a cold without agonizing (50 hours).

Module 3: “Free Time”
* Ironing in two stages a shirt in less than two hours (practical exercises).
* Digesting beer without burping while the table is put (practical exercises).

Module 4: “Course of kitchen”
Level 1 (beginner): “Electrical appliance”
ON= turn on
OFF= turn off
Level 2 (advanced): “My first instantaneous soup without burning the saucepan”. Practical exercises: Boiling the water before adding the paste.

For reasons of difficulty and understanding of the subjects, the courses will have a maximum of 8 students.

SUBJECT 1: “The clothes”: From the washing machine to the wardrobe, that mysterious process.

SUBJECT 2: “The risks of filling to the ice tray and its transport until the freezer” Demonstration with support of slides.

SUBJECT 3: 'Scientific Demonstration: cooking and to throw the rubbish don’t cause impotence nor quadriplegia' Practical in laboratory.

SUBJECT 4: “The roll of hygienic paper” the hygienic paper, is born next to the toilet? (Exhibitions on the subject )

SUBJECT 5: “Why isn’t it necessary to shake sheets after to have given our intestinal gases” Exercises of reflection in couple.

SUBJECT 6: “The man that drives, if loses himself,
can request information without running the risk of seeming impotent” Testimonies.

SUBJECT 7: “Fundamental Differences between the laundry basket and the ground”

SUBJECT 8: “The man in the seat of the passenger” Is generally possible not to speak or to be shaken convulsively while she drives and/or parks?

SUBJECT 9: 'The cup of the breakfast: Does get up itself until the sink? 'Exercises directed by David Copperfield.

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